27. 2. 2012

Leica Gallery Prague, 7 pm


Photographs from the discussion

Japanese documentary photography from the 60’s up to the present and photographic series “Lifestyle of Japan” (author Daniel Šperl) and “Prague–Tokio” (author Yoshimi Yokoyama).

Yoshimi Yokoyama was born 24th June 1975 in Kagoshima JAPAN. She studied English literature in Waseda University. She completed her B.A. After the experience of photo assistant, she started to work as photographer for Japanese fashion magazines from 1998. 2005 she moved to Czech Republic and started to study photography at FAMU in Prague. She studyed photography in Institute of creative photography in Silesia University in Opava. She lives in Prague.

Daniel Šperl was born April 12, 1966 in Tabor. He currently lives and works in Prague. From 1986 to 1990, he studied at the Institute for Creative Photography of the Union of Czech Photographers. In 1991, he began photography studies at Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), Department of Still Photography in Prague, initially part-time and then full-time beginning in 1993. He spent a part of studies in France and in Japan at the invitation of the Japanese Photographic Association. He completed his M.F.A. degree at FAMU in 1999, where he is now preparing his doctoral thesis. He has had extensive stays in the US from 2000 to 2004. The Leica Gallery Prague, who he works closely with, has represented him for several years. He also works as a freelance cameraman.
Daniel Šperl specializes in black and white and documentary photography, and publishes at home and abroad.