28. 4. 2009 - 31. 5. 2009
The project We + You – We are Travelling on a Train! has been compiled from Jan Zatorsky´s photographs. In a humorous way, his photographical pairs compare portraits of known and less-known people with artifacts from the railway setting. In the context of an ordinary life, the single snapshots then capture the train once as an everyday situation guide, another time as a thundering aesthetic motif, however, always well composed, with craft and humour.
The exhibition took place at these railway stations: Masarykovo nádraží, Praha hl. nádraží, Praha-Holešovice, Praha-Smíchov, Praha-Libeň. The exhibition travelled to other towns from mid-June to the end of 2009.
„We have been cooperating with the Leica Gallery Prague for a long time. People must remember the Gallery Train that brought the art photos even to places where exhibitions with such a quality content would be difficult to arrange,“ said the Czech Railways general manager deputy Jiří Kolář, who assumed the patronage over the exhibition. A part of the project was also an auction of the exhibited photographs and sale of postcards with selected motifs. The proceeds were handed over to the Crisis Centre in Ostrava.