26. 6. 2003 - 13. 9. 2003
The Supreme Burgrave´s House of Prague Castle
Pavel Mára, Viktor Kronbauer, František Vrbecký, Jan Mihaliček, Miroslav Martinovský, Petr Našic, Jiří Podrazil, Jiří Štrébl, Ivo Mičkal, Josef Ptáček, Michal Růžička, Masaru Iwasaki, Takeda Masahiko, Jan Černo, Jan Adamec, Ivan Šimáček, Zdeněk Sokol, Vojtěch Písařík, Tomasz Augustyn.
The exhibition Shakespeare in Photography, which was prepared by the Leica Gallery Prague, presented selected photographs from key theatre performances of 1990–2002. The exhibition was not confined only to photographical documentation of the past six annuals of the Summer Shakespeare Festivities at the Prague Castle. Two-dimensional photographs were supplemented with three-dimensional exhibits that made the exhibition premises unique and vivified them. To be specific, it concerned designs and models of scenic layouts of the castle premises for the individual annuals of the theatrical summer, an exhibition of interesting costumes for the individual performances, and the spectators could view videorecordings of some SSF performances.