The photographer Daniel Šperl is represented by Leica Gallery Prague.
Daniel Šperl was born April 12, 1966 in Tabor. He currently lives and works in Prague. From 1986 to 1990, he studied at the Institute for Creative Photography of the Union of Czech Photographers.
In 1991, he began photography studies at Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), Department of Still Photography in Prague, initially part-time and then full-time beginning in 1993. He spent a part of studies in France and in Japan at the invitation of the Japanese Photographic Association. He completed his M.F.A. degree at FAMU in 1999, where he is now preparing his doctoral thesis. He has had extensive stays in the US from 2000 to 2004. The Leica Gallery Prague, who he works closely with, has represented him for several years. He also works as a freelance cameraman.
Daniel Šperl specializes in black and white and documentary photography, and publishes at home and abroad.
2007 Everyday Celebrations
Czech Center, Haag, Niederland
2007 …borderless
Czech Center Haag, Culturel Center Dank en Hoop Leimuiden, Netherlands
2007 Everyday Celebrations
Beseda Gallery – Ars Pragensis, Prague
2007 Seniors
Sušice Charity
2006 American Lifestyle
Artists Gallery, kino Art Cihlářská 19, Brno
2006 American Lifestyle
Školská 28, Communication space Prague
2006 American Lifestyle
Café Therapy, Školská Street, Prague
2006 Japanese Lifestyle
Tea room Školská Street, Prague
2006 Everyday Celebrations
Aero Cinema, Prague
2006 American Lifestyle
Ivan Olbracht Theatre, Tábor
2006 Everyday Celebrations
Czech Center Tokyo, Japan
2005 Everyday Celebrations
Galerie auf der Pawlatsche, Vienna, Austria
2004 American Lifestyle
G7 Gallery,Ostrava
2004 …borderless
Town Hall, Strmilov
2004 …borderless
Elementary School Chodov, Prague
2004 Japanese Lifestyle
Cafe Orange, Prague
2004 French Lifestyle
Cafe Samsa, Prague
2003 Everyday Celebrations
Oskar Nedbal Theater, Evarium Gallery, Tábor
2003 Our Seniors
Department Caritas Sušice, Volšovy Castel
2003 Everyday Celebrations
Fons Gallery, Pardubice
2003 …borderless
U Mloka Gallery, Olomouc
2002 …borderless
Alstra Gallery, Prague
2002 …borderless
Zvíkov Castle
2002 Refugees
In the cooperation of the Czech Helsin’s committee, Štvanice, Prague
2001 Coziness
Exhibited alongside art by people with disabilities, Dobra Trafika, Prague
2001 Everyday Celebrations
Long term presentation in Gema Company, Prague
2001 Japanese Lifestyle
Oskar Nedbal Theater, Tábor
2001 French Lifestyle
Gallery Pod kamennou žábou, České Budějovice
2000 Among Us
exhibited alongside art by people with disabilities, Jelení Gallery, Prague
1999 Japanese Lifestyle
Interkamera 99 Exhibition, Prague
1999 Everyday Celebrations
Moravian Gallery, Brno
1999 French Lifestyle
French Culture Festival, Oskar Nedbal Theater,Tábor
1999 Japanese Lifestyle
Pod Věží Gallery, Bílina
1999 Everyday Celebrations
RH Bar, Žihle
1998 Japanese Lifestyle
Miyabi Restaurant, Prague
1998 French Lifestyle
Aero Cinema, Prague
1998 Japanese Lifestyle
Hvězda Cinema, Uherské Hradistě
1998 The Alphabet of Life
M.F.A. degree project, FAMU, Prague
1998 With Foma in Japan
Foma Gallery, Hradec Králové
1998 Japanese Lifestyle
Žlutá Ponorka, Znojmo
1997 French Lifestyle
Theatre Oskar Nedbal, Tábor
1996 Joy in Rozkvet
Šternberk Gallery
1996 There were Five of You, or Attempt at a Self-Portrait
Hermit Gallery, Prague
1993 One Day in the Life of a Police Horse
FAMU, Prague
1992 Police Academy
Oskar Nedbal Theater, Tábor
1992 Police Academy
FAMU, Prague
1990 Prague 1989
Senior project (book), Institute of Creative Photography, unique copy
2007 Nights in the Train Stations
Theatre photography, with Yoshimi Yokoyama, Central Station, Prague
2006 …borderless
Písecká brána, Prague
2006 In Honour of František Kupka
Opočno castle
2006 Nezapomenutelní absolventi
ŠVF Brno a IVF SČF, Opava
2005 It Is Stil Me
Ambit Gallery, Jungmanovo náměstí, Prague
2005 East-West
High School Sternberk
2005 Czech Photography of 20. Century
Town Library Prague
2004 Merging
Portheimka Gallery, Prague
2004 What You Need to Know about Czech Republic
Ministry of Exterior, Czech Republic
2003 From the Margin to the Center
C. K. Solnice Gallery, České Budějovice
1998 Objectivity
Gallery U Řečických, Prague
1998 Everyday Celebrations
With J. Štreit, A. Dvořáková and V. Fischer, Plasy Monastery
1998 50 Years of Communist Devastation
Benedictine Monastery, Rajhrad
1998 Hidden Treasures / Liturgical Year
Zvíkov Castle
1998 Everyday Celebrations
with J. Štreit, A. Dvořáková and V. Fischer, Zvíkov Castle
1998 Our World
Portheimka Gallery, Prague
1998 M.F.A. degree project
Richters‘ House, Prague
1998 Exhibition of Art
to support ICN, a Czech non-profit organization, Golem
1997 Workshop with Jindřich Štreit
Galéria K-91, Košice, Slovakia
1997 25 + 5
Institute of Creative Photography, National Technical Museum, Prague
1997 Near The Beginning
International Artist Symposium, Plasy Monastery
1997 Around the Center
with I. Hlavinka, J. Melzer and J. Zoubek, Malostranská Beseda Gallery, Prague
1997 Hidden Treasures – Liturgical Year
Art House, Brno
1996 Workshop with Jindřich Š
Summer Film School, Uherské Hradistě
1996 Never-ending Opening
Hermit Gallery, Prague
1996 25 + 5
Institute of Creative Photography, Poznaň, Poland
1996 25 + 5
Institute of Creative Photography, Štětín, Poland
1996 Graduate Student Final Exhibition, Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU)
Palác Lažanských, Praha
1996 Urban Obscenities
Exhibit together with Andrew Hersher, Praha
199525 + 5
Institute of Creative Photography, Opava
1995 25 + 5
Institute of Creative Photography, Ostrava
1995 25 + 5
Institute of Creative Photography, Cheb
1994 People from Olomouc County
With Jindřich Štreit and Libuše Rudinská, Medlov
1994 People from Olomouc County
With Jindřich Štreit and Libuše Rudinská, Horní Loděnice
Everyday Celebrations, KANT Publisher, 2003
…borderless, Non Profit Organization Dagda, 2001