The photographer Jan Ságl is represented by Leica Gallery Prague.

Jan Ságl, born in Humpolec, Bohemia, in 1942, is a pioneer of color photography in the Czech Republic. Photographing in color since 1979, even back then he demonstrated the legitimacy of this medium, going against the majority that championed the allegedly unique artistic possibilities of black-and-white photography.


The Building of Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris

The public is most familiar with his landscapes: the land with its memory, exploited by people, with tilled fields and the remains of vanished civilizations, with cultural accretions and changes. Apart from landscapes, Ságl searches for inconspicuous corners in cultural metropolises, particularly in Paris. Working with international agencies and periodicals (including Zeit Magazin, Smithsonian Magazine, and National Geographic) he is continuously on the road. The works he has made strictly for himself developed from his being in contact with the art scene, which he first became part of as a photographer for art periodicals, and then in the artistic design of concerts by psychedelic bands, which he executed with his artist wife, Zorka Ságlová. After the Soviet-led intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968 the Ságls found themselves socially isolated, and decided to move to the countryside, where Ságl’s fully developed his conception of landscape photography. His artistic endeavors are to some extent influenced by trends in conceptual art, but he is primarily concerned with the expression and context of what is photographed, rather than merely summarized abstracted form.

Exhibitions - selection

2011 Krajina /Landscape/ – Municipal House Opava /Obecní dům Opava/

2010 Zorka Ságlová – Jan Ságl Krajina /Landscape/ The Topič Salon, Prague  /Topičův salon, Praha/

2009 Variace a paralely /Variations and Parallels/ 29th Zentiva Salon, Zentiva Administrative Building, Prague  /29. Salon Zentiva, Administrativní budova Zentiva, Praha/

2009 Luminiscence /Luminescence/, Kotelna Karlin Gallery, Prague

2009 Luminiscence I /Luminescence I/, Nostress Gallery, Prague

2008 Starénové /Oldandnew/, National Heritage Institute, Bítov Castle /Národní památkový ústav, Státní hrad Bítov/

2008 Krajiny /Landscapes/, Ars Pragensis – Municipal Gallery Beseda, Prague /Ars Pragensis – Obecní galerie Beseda, Praha/

2007 Starénové /Oldandnew/, Golden Goose Gallery, Prague /Galerie Zlatá husa, Praha/

2007 Starénové /Oldandnew/, The Brno House of Arts, Brno /Dům umění města Brna, Brno/

2005 Spolu /Together/ Vernon Gallery, Prague /Galerie Vernon, Praha/

2004 Zorka Ságlová a Jan Ságl /Zorka Ságlová and Jan Ságl/, Municipal Gallery Beseda, Prague /Obecní galerie Beseda, Praha/

2001 „Tak tedy Paříž…“ /”And so Paris…”/, The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague /Poslanecká sněmovna, Praha/

2001 Art Cult, Czech Centre, Vienne /České centrum Vídeň/

2000 Art Cult, Chapel Gallery, Bruntal /Galerie v kapli, Bruntál/

2000 Der Blick von Aussen (with Inge Morath), Städtische Galerie, Leerer Beutel, Regensburg

1998 Prag im Wandeln seiner Architektur, Czech Centre, Berlin /České centrum Berlín/

1998 Prag im Wandeln seiner Architektur, Galerie Moderner Zeiten, Dresden

1997 Proměny Prahy /Prague Metamorphoses/, Gallery of Josef Sudek House of Photography, Prague /Komorní galerie Domu fotografie Josefa Sudka, Praha/

1992 Krajina, galerie a katedrály /Landscape, gallery and cathedrals/, Prague House of Photography, Prague /Pražský dům fotografie, Praha/

1992 Jan Ságl, The Brno House of Arts, Brno /Dům umění města Brna, Brno/

1990 Galerie Coupoule, (with Zorka Ságlová), Neu-Isenburg

1987 Barevný svět /Colourful World/, (with Jan Saudek and Miro Švolík), Maxim Gorki Colonnade Gallery, Marienbad /Výstavní síň kolonády M.Gorkého, Mariánské Lázně/

1987 Tunis /Tunisia/, (with Otakar Jiránek), The Museum of Czech Literature, Prague /Památník národního písemnictví, Praha/

1987 Tváře krajiny /Faces of the Landscape/, (with Jaroslav Kořán), Junior Club at Chmelnice, Prague /Junior Klub na Chmelnici, Praha/

1987 Karel Čapek Bookshop, Prague /Knihkupectví Karla Čapka, Praha/

1985 Fotografie 1980 –1985, The National House of Vinohrady, Prague /ÚKDŽ, Praha/

1981 Schröder-Saal des CVJM, Hamburg

1979 Jan Ságl: Fotografie, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague /Ústav makromolekulární chemie, Praha/

1976 Baňka, Janovský, Ságl, Gallery in the Prague Gate, Melnik /Galerie ve věži, Mělník/

1969 Někde něco /Somewhere Something/ (with Jiří Kolář, Běla Kolářová and Zorka Ságlová), Václav Špála Gallery, Prague /Galerie Václava Špály, Praha/


Jihočeská krajina (South Bohemian Landscape), Pressfoto 1984

Severozápadní Čechy (Northwest Bohemia), Panorama 1984

A co Paříž? Jaká byla? (And what about Paris? What Was It Like?) Pressfoto 1987

Krajina (Landscape), Kant 1995

Art Cult, Kant 2002

Jan Ságl, Torst 2009

Representation in Collections

Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris, FR

Deutsche Photographishe Gesellschaft, Köln am Rhein, DEU

Zlatá husa Gallery, Prague, CZE

Moravian Gallery in Brno, CZE

Museen der Stadt Regensburg, Regensburg, DEU

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA

Muzeum of Art and Design, Benešov u Prahy, CZE

The Polaroid Collection, Lausanne, France

Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, CZE

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, GB

The Olomouc Museum of Art, CZE