The photographer Jiří Hanke is represented by Leica Gallery Prague.

J. Hanke was born in Kladno, April 15th 1944. He graduated from the Kladno Grammar School and in 1962 he commenced work at the Kladno branch of the State Savings Bank. During his compulsory military service he first published his photographs. At that time he performed as a singer /songwriter of protest songs.

In 1977 Hanke started his Small Gallery in the premises of the then State Savings Bank, gradually the dramaturgy oriented exclusively on photography. He lives in Kladno, his wife Jiřina Hankeová is the photographer and the artist.

Jiří Hanke arranges exhibitions regularly. Since 1978, until now, he has had seventy individual exhibitions in the former Czechoslovakia,  the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, France, Denmark, Scotland, and Austria. He has taken part in more than one hundred group exhibitions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. His works are a part of collections in the National Gallery in Prague, Museum of Arts  and Crafts in Prague, Moravian Gallery in Brno and other prestigious institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad (the U.S.A., Germany, France). He has published 8 photography publications (e.g. Views from my flat window, People from Podprůhon, and Stop Time).

Solo Exhibitions

2010 Parisian Fragments
České Budějovice, Café Au Chat Noire

2010 Jazz for Three
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank (with
J. Beneš and V. Frolík)

2009 Views From the Window of My Flat
Pardubice, Gallery GM

2009 Search for America
České Budějovice, Gallery Bazilika

2009 Velvet
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

2009 Stop time
Jazz festival, Polička

2008 Two Views
Lidice Gallery, (with Jiřina Hankeová)

2008 My Still-lifes
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

2008 Vues de ma fenétre
La Galerie de photographie Metropolis, Charleville-Meziéres

2008 Views From the Window of My Flat
AMU Gallery, Praha

2007 Echoes of a Generation
Uherské Hradiště, Hvězda Cinema (Summer Film School)

2007 Periphery, Hradec Králové
Exhibition Hall Foma Bohemia (with Jiřina Hankeová)

2007 Before the Exhibition
Nové Město nad Metují, Gallery of V. Sedláček, Zámek Bartoň-Dobenín

2006 Echoes of a Generation
Terezín, Small Fortress, Memorial

2006 Periphery – Kladno – Periphery
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

2006 Echo de Generation
Rouen, Centre Photographique de Normandie, Francie

2006 Jiří Hanke – Photography
Ostrava, Art center Chagall

2006 The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank  1977–2006

2005 Stop Time
Hluboš, the castle

2004 Jiří Hanke 60 Portraits from 1974–2004
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

2004 Echoes of a Generation
Mariánská Týnice, Museum and Gallery of Northern Plzeň Region

2004 Echoes
Prague, Prague House of Photography

2004 Blicke aus meinem Fenster
Vienna, Galerie auf der Pawlatsche

2003 Another Views From the Window
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank  (with poetry of J. Hankeová)

2003 Jiří Hanke Photographs 1980–2003
Příbram, F. Drtikol Gallery

2002 Blicke aus meinem Fenster
Postdam, Galerie im Mobilcenter

2001 Enterpreneurs, Echoes of a Generation
Ostrava, J. Myron Theatre

2001 Views From the Window of My Flat
Prague  (Interkamera 2001)

2000 Jazz for Two
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

2000 Stop Time
Prague, Gallery FOTO-MAX

1999 Stop Time
Hradec Králové (Jazz Goes To Town)

1999 Face for the Year 2000
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

1998 Echoes of a Generation I
Prague, Mánes

1998 Entrepreneurs
Prague, the National Technical Museum

1998 Echoes of a Generation II
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

1995 Echoes of a Generation
Glenrothes, Scottland, Corridor Gallery

1995 Jiří Hanke Entrepreneus Kladno 1992–1995
Cheb, Gallery 4 

1994 Jiří Hanke (Flashback)
Kladno, District Museum

1994 Echo de Generation
Rouen, Centre Photographique de Normandie, France

1994 Jiří Hanke senior [ Jiří Hanke
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

1994  Pod Podprůhonem People (selection)
Kladno, Gallery of Kladno News

1993 Echoes of a Generation
Perth, Scotland, The Sandeman Library (Fotofeis 1993)

1993 Echoes of a Generation
St. Andrews, Scotland, Crawford Arts Center

1992 New York / Texas, Plzeň, Divadlo Kruh

1992 Views from the Window of my Flat
Aarhus, Denmark, Galerie Image

1991 New York & Texas
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

1991 Views From the Window of My Flat
Praha, Prague House of Photography

1991 New York / Texas
Příbram, Castle Ernestinum (with Z. Lhoták)

1991 New York / Texas
Kralupy nad Vltavou (with Z. Lhoták)

1990 Jiří Hanke „Blicke aus meinem Fenster“
Stuttgart, H. Lindemanns Galerie und Buch handlung für Fotografie und Film, Germany

1990 Views From My Flat
Reims, Mais de la Photo, France

1990 Hanke – Stano – Svolik, Trois photographes de Tchécoslovaquie
Lyon, La Fondation Nationale de la Photographie, France

1989 Jiří Hanke
Brno, Dům pánů z Kunštátu

1989 Echoes of a Generation
Bratislava, Komorná galéria Spoločenského domu v Trnávke, Slovakia

1989 Widoki z okna
Wroclaw, Foto-Medium.Art

1989 Jiří Hanke Photographs from 1974–1989
Cheb, Gallery 4

1988 Jiri Hanke – Kladno, CSSR
Berlin, Kleine Humboldtgalerie

1988 Jiří Hanke – 2 x 15 (Kladno 1973–1988)
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

1987 Jiří Hanke Echoes of a Generation
Prague, Fotochema

1986 Pod průhonem People
Prague, Small gallery of Čs. spisovatele

1985 Pod průhonem People
Kladno, District Museum

1984 Stop Time
Kladno, Gallery 55 

1983 Views From the Window of My Flat
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank

1983 Parisian Fragments
Ústí nad Labem, Gallery Na terase

1982 Parisian Fragments
Kladno, District Museum

1982 Jiří Hanke Photographs
District Muzeum, Kolín

1981 Jiří Hanke Photographs 1975–1980
Praha, Fotochema

1981 Jiří Hanke Photographs
Litvínov, Club ROH Benar

1980 Photographs from Rožmitálsko
Rožmitál pod Třemšínem, Brdy Memorial

1979 Jiří Hanke Photographs
Kladno, District Museum

1979 Jiří Hanke Photographs
Kralupy nad Vltavou, ROH Kaučuk Club

1978 Jazz Portraits
Kladno, The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank in Kladno (with Josef Blecha)


Views From the Window of My Flat, District Museum in Kladno (Okresní muzeum v Kladně), 1994

People from Podprůhon 1974–1989, District Museum in Kladno (Okresní muzeum v Kladně), 1995

The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank in Kladno 1977–1997, Kuklik Praha, 1997

The Echoes of a Generation, Kuklik Praha,1998

J. + J. Hankeovi = Pohledy, Praha 2002

Stop Time, Knihovna Jana Drdy Příbram, 2003

The Small Gallery of the Savings Bank in Kladno 1977–2006, Job Příbram, 2006

Jiří Hanke Photographs, Job Příbram, 2008

Representation in Collection

National Gallery in Prague, CZE

Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, CZE

Moravian Gallery in Brno, CZE

The University of Texas (Gernsheim Collection), Austin, USA

The Witkin Gallery, New York, USA

Gallerie und Buchhandlung fur Fotografie und Film, Stuttgart, DEU

Museum Ludwig, Koln am Rhein, DEU

International Center of Photography, New York, USA

Fondation Nationale de la Photographie, Lyon, FRA

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, GBR

Center of Photography, New York, USA

Maison Européene de la Photographie, Paris, FRA

The Anne & Jacques Baruch Collection, Chicago, USA

Prague House of Photography, Prague, CZE

National Museum of Photography, Jindřichův Hradec, CZE

District Museum in Kladno (Okresní muzeum v Kladně), CZE

Gallery of Visual Arts Benešov, CZE

Lidice Collection, Lidice Gallery, CZE