We invite you to the portrait photography workshop with Robert Vano. The workshop will take place in Leica Gallery Prague and it will be held in Czech. For further information, please switch to the Czech version.
10–13 hod, kavárna Leica Gallery Prague
– seznámení Roberta Vana s účastníky, teoretické základy
13–14 – oběd
14–18 hod, Leica Gallery Prague
– fotografování v interiéru Leica Gallery Prague
– individuální konzultace s Robertem Vanem
– komunikace s modelem
– vyhodnocení Vašich fotografií, zhotovených v rámci workshopu
Fotoaparát, příp. stativ, rekvizity dle vlastního uvážení – účastníci budou mít možnost fotografovat zkušené modely i své kolegy – fotografy po vzájemné domluvě, tak aby si mohli uvědomit rozdíl mezi prací s profesionály a amatéry.
Robert Vano (1948) se narodil na Slovensku maďarským rodičům. V roce 1967 emigroval do USA. Pracoval jako kadeřník, vizážista, maskér a asistent fotografům módy (Horst, Glaviano, Castel, Fallai). Později se prosadil jako fotograf světových módních časopisů (Harpers Bazaar, Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan). Po návratu do Československa zakotvil v Praze, pracoval jako umělecký ředitel české mutace časopisu ELLE či art director agentury Czechoslovak Models. Vystavoval např. v New Yorku, Miláně, Londýně, Praze, Moskvě a dalších metropolích.
3.900 korun vč. DPH
V ceně jsou zahrnuty:
náklady na lektora, modelku a modela, občerstvení (coffee break v Leica Gallery Prague). Oběd na vlastní náklady.
1. Při zrušení objednávky do 30 dnů před datem konání se účtuje manipulační poplatek 100 korun
2. Při zrušení objednávky 10–29 dnů před workshopem činí storno poplatek 70%
3. Při zrušení objednávky 0–9 dnů před workshopem činí storno poplatek 100%
4. Storno podmínky se vztahují i na dárkové vouchery
Zaplacené kurzovné je přenosné – účastník za sebe může na kurz poslat náhradníka. O této skutečnosti musí účastník informovat pořadatele předem.
Leica Gallery Prague, o. p. s.
Školská 28
110 00 Praha 1
Kontaktní osoba: Ivana Kubičková
e-mail: ik@lgp.cz
tel: 702 011 893
Vyplněním přihlašovacího formuláře se registrujete jako zájemce o workshop, závazná rezervace místa je však podmíněna zaplacením účastnického poplatku. Zapsáním Vašich osobních údajů udělujete Leica Gallery Prague souhlas s jejich použitím v souladu s pravidly GDPR.
Workshop for ambitious clients who prefer the possibility to work with Antonin Kratochvil in a small group (up to 7 people). Classwork in Czech, more information and application form: HERE
Antonin is a founder of the VII photo agency.
As photojournalists go, Antonin Kratochvil has sunk his teeth into his fair share of upheaval and human catastrophes whilst going about his documentation of the time in which he lives.
As people go, Kratochvil’s own refugee life has been much in the way the same as what he has rendered on film. Kratochvil’s unique style of photography is the product of personal experience, intimate conditioning and not privileged voyeurism.
Over the years his fluid and unconventional work has been sought by numerous publications stretching across widely differing interests. From shooting Mongolia’s street children for the magazine published by the Museum of Natural History to a portrait session with David Bowie for Detour, from covering the war in Iraq for Fortune Magazine to shooting Deborah Harry for a national advertising campaign for the American Civil Liberties Union, Kratochvil’s ability to see through and into his subjects and show immutable truth has made his pictures not facsimiles but uncensored visions.
And yet, what set his kind apart from the many is his consistency and struggle to carry on.
For Kratochvil this fact comes in the form of his numerous awards, grants and honorable mentions dating back to 1975. The latest of these are his two, first place prizes at the 2002 World Press Photo Awards in the categories of general news and nature and the environment.
The next is the 2004 grant from Aperture publishing for Kratochvil’s study on the fractious relationship between American civil liberties and the newly formed Homeland Security since the World Trade Center bombings.
In addition, Kratochvil’s fifth book Vanishing was presented in April 2005 and marks another significant milestone for the craft to which he belongs.
Vanishing represents a collection of natural and human phenomena that on the verge of extinction. What makes this book so innovative is the twenty years it has taken to produce, making it not onlyhistorical from the onset, but a labor of love and a commitment to one man’s conscience.
Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography, Gerrit Rietveltd Art Academy, Amsterdam, Holland.
1991 Infinity Award: Photojournalist of the Year, InternationalCenter of Photography, New York.
1994 Leica Medal of Excellence for outstanding achievement indocumentary photography.
1994 Dorothy Lange Prize, Duke University Center of documentary Studies.
1995 Ernst Haas Award, Maine Photographic workshops.
1997 Gold Medal for Photography from Society of Publishing Designers, New York.
1997 First Prize, World Press Photo Portrait Series, Amsterdam.
1997 (Eissie) Alfred Eisenstadt Award for 3Eyewitness Essay2 Life Magazine.
2000 Gold ARC Award for Best Annual Report, NGO Category, for Rockefeller Foundation 1999 Annual Report.
2003 First Prize World Press Photo Amsterdam (2 awards same year)
Medal from the City of Prague for Photography awarded by the Mayor of Prague
2005 Lucie Awardfor Outstanding Achievement in Photojournalism
2005 Golden Light Award for Best Documentary Book for the book Vanishing
Broken Dream: 20 Years of War in Eastern Europe, Monacelli Press, New York 1997.
Antonin Kratochvil, Torst 2003
Incognito, Arena Editions, USA 2001
Supravvivere, Motta Editore, Italy 2001
Vanishing, de.MO 2005
We invite you to the portrait photography workshop with Robert Vano. The workshop will take place in Leica Gallery Prague and it will be held in Czech.
10 AM to 1 PM, Leica Gallery Prague café
– Robert Vano meets the participants, basics of theory
1 PM to 5:30 PM, Leica Gallery Prague
– joint lunch
– photographing in the interior of Leica Gallery Prague
– individual consultations with Robert Vano
– communication with the model
– critique of your photographs made during the workshop
For details, please switch to the Czech version of the website.
Workshop for clients who prefer the possibility to work with Tereza from Davle in a small group, up to 7 people. Classwork in Czech, more information and application form HERE
Workshop for ambitious clients who prefer the possibility to work with Antonin Kratochvil in a small group (up to 7 people). Classwork in Czech, more information and application form: HERE
Workshop for ambitious clients who prefer the possibility to work with Robert Vano in a small group of maximum 4 to 6 people. The workshop will be dedicated to nude photography in unconventional sceneries of the Evropa hotel. Classwork in Czech, possibility of individual tuition in English. More information and application form: HERE
– malý počet účastníků (max. 6 osob)
– individuální práce s lektorem a dvěma modelkami
– netradiční, unikátní interiéry
9 – 12 hod
seznámení Roberta Vana s účastníky, teoretické základy (v Leica Gallery Prague)
12 – 13 hod
společný oběd v hotelu Evropa
13 – 17 hod
fotografování v hotelu Evropa
17 – 18 hod
editace pořízených fotografií (v Leica Gallery Prague)
18 – 19 hod
vyhodnocení snímků s Robertem Vanem (v Leica Gallery Prague)
Vlastní fotografie na konzultaci s R. Vanem (max. 10 ks)
Notebook, fotoaparát, příp. stativ a jiné vybavení, na které jste zvyklí.
7.000 korun + DPH
V ceně je zahrnuto: náklady na lektora, modelky, záblesková technika, občerstvení (v Leica Gallery Prague dopolední caffe break, v hotelu Evropa oběd), pronájem prostor.
Leica Gallery Prague, o. p. s.
Školská 28
110 00 Praha 1
Kontaktní osoba: Ivana Kubičková
e-mail: ik@lgp.cz
tel: 602 118 007
Poskytnuté údaje budou využity pouze za účelem poskytování uvedené služby a v souladu se zákonem č. 101/2000 sb., O ochraně osobních údajů.
Workshop for ambitious clients who prefer the possibility to work with Antonin Kratochvil in a small group (up to 7 people). Classwork in Czech, more information and application form: HERE
Workshop for ambitious clients who prefer the possibility to work with Robert Vano in a small group of 4 to 6 people. The workshop will be dedicated to nude photography in unconventional sceneries of the luxury Alcron hotel. Classwork in Czech, possibility of individual tuition in English. More information and application form: HERE
Classwork in Czech, more information and application form: HERE
Workshop for clients who prefer the possibility to work with Tereza from Davle in a small group, up to 7 people. Classwork in Czech, more information and application form HERE
Workshop is held in Czech.
For more information please contact the gallery manager, Nina Zemanová.
Workshop is held in Czech.
For more information please contact the gallery manager, Nina Zemanová.