13. 2. 2012

Discussion about POLAROID

Discussion connected with the baptism of new issue of Temnokomornik magazine, dedicated to instant photography.

Editors of Temnokomornik will talk about polaroid phenomenon with authors, who participated in last issue:
•  Jan Hnízdo – former curator of The International Polaroid Collection, photographer and owner of the biggest Polaroid camera 50×60 cm.
•  Andrea Tonellotto – Italian photographer, who is introduced in magazine. He shots modern Italian architecture with new Impossible films. His saturated polaroids remind abstract paintings.
•  Rudolf Jung – graduated FAMU and now chief of photo department in Czech Television. He used slides material PolaChrome HC.
•  Jiří George Ksandr – with camera obscura and polaroid he shot Manhattan in NY.
•  Šimon Vejvančický – he shots industrial buildings in Kladno
•  Michal Čáp and Tomáš Nosek from PolaroidLove team, they spread polaroid and new Impossible films among new fans.

The discussion will take place in Leica Gallery Prague on Monday, 13 February 2012, at 7 pm.